Fungal nail (onychomycosis) accounts for one third of integumentary fungal infections and one half of all nail disease. Primary contributors to the widespread incidence of onychomycosis are occlusive footwear and locker room exposure.
Working with several international experts, elite have teamed up with Formatk developed a unique clinical protocol utilizing our “Ultra Short Pulse” IPL technology to deliver safe and effective treatment by super-heating the fungal materials and deactivating the nail bacteria growth until clearance is achieved.
This unique treatment approach enables practitioners to offer an effective onychomycosis treatment without the use of potentially harmful drugs.
The benefits of laser /IPL treatments for fungal nail infections
1. A safe recognised non- invasive treatment
2. Avoids the need for oral medication which may have potential side effects.
The Treatment
We usually recommend between 6 -8 treatments at weekly intervals. As a general guide, if you have had the infection longer than 5 years you may require more treatments, there is a greater chance of success if only 1 out if 10 toes are affected. There is a poor prognosis if all 10 toes are affected.
It is vital to remove all nail polish prior to your treatment.
No drugs, no pain, no downtime.
Treatment cost £50 upwards
Treatment time 30 mins
Pre-treatment advice
File down your nails prior to each session at least 2 days before your treatment. if your nails are thick and difficult to cut, soak your feet in a saline solution for 30 minutes prior to cutting them.
With fungal nail infections called onychomycosis the nail tends to thicken. Filing down the nail allows greater penetration of the laser light into the treatment site.
Post-Treatment care
• Patient needs to throw away their socks and if possible their shoes in order to prevent the fungal infection recurring.
• The application of almond oil on all toes afterwards helps to soften the cuticles and prevents the nails from splitting or breaking.
• If new nail growth is observed after several treatments, then the procedure has been a success.
• Keep your hands and feet clean and dry
• Wear well-fitting shoes made of natural materials and clean cotton socks – these will allow your feet to “breathe”
• Clip your nails to keep them short – use a separate pair of clippers or scissors for the infected nail
• Don’t share towels and socks with other people, and ensure your towels are washed regularly
• Don’t walk around barefoot in public pools, showers, and locker rooms – special shower shoes are available to protect your feet.
• Treat athletes foot as soon as possible to avoid the infection spreading to your nails
We also accept referrals from podiatrist